Qurbani Udhiyah

An Ummah United for Dhu al-Hijjah and Supporting Families in Need

“That they may witness benefits for themselves and mention the name of Allah on known days over what He has provided for them of cattle. So eat of them and feed the poor.”
– The Holy Qur’an, 22:28

The first ten days of Dhu al-Hijjah are the most sacred days of the year, loved by Allah (SWT). By giving to Islamic Relief, you can reap the rewards of this blessed month and serve those in need. Not only do you fulfill the charitable obligations Allah has set for us, but you also help relieve some of the burden that struggling families face.

Read on to learn more about how you can make this your most charitable Qurbani/Udhiyah yet.





The Story

An Important Islamic Tradition

1. Qurbani/Udhiyah is the tradition of sharing meat with your family and with those in need at the end of the Hajj season, or Eid al-Adha.

Udhiyah is an Arabic word and Qurbani is an Urdu/Persian word derived from Arabic. They both connote the meaning of sacrifice, or an act done for the pleasure of Allah (SWT).

2.  It’s about the story of Prophet Ibrahim, his son Prophet Ismail, and the ram that replaced Ismail (peace be upon them).

Prophet Ibrahim dreamed he was sacrificing his beloved son Ismail (peace be upon them). He asked his son what he thought. Young Ismail said, “Do as you are commanded.” But when they went to do the hardest thing they could imagine doing, Allah replaced Ismail with a ram. They had passed the test—they were willing to give up what they loved most. We commemorate their sacrifice with a financial sacrifice ourselves—buying an animal or the prepared meat, and sharing it with the poor.

3. It’s in the Quran.

“Therefore turn in prayer to your Lord and sacrifice (to Him only).” (The Holy Qur’an, 108:2)

“It is neither their meat nor their blood that reaches Allah, but it is piety from you that reaches Him.” (The Holy Qur’an, 22:37)

4. It’s in the Sunnah.

Abdullah ibn ‘Umar (RA) said:
“The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) stayed in Madinah for 10 years, offering sacrifice (every year on Eid).” (Ahmad and Tirmidhi)

Al-Baraa’ ibn ‘Aazib (RA) said the Prophet (PBUH) said:
“Whoever offers a sacrifice after the prayer has completed his rituals (of Eid) and has followed the way of the Muslims.” (Al-Bukhari)

5. It’s a great blessing when you share the meat with people in need!

The people you can send meat to through Islamic Relief USA rarely get the treat of meat. Some haven’t had any since they received this gift last Eid al-Adha. Your gift is huge to them. And each donation you make has an impact in the fight against hunger: You can feed between 5 and 10 families in need with one, single donation, masha’Allah. They get the meat … you get the reward!

The Animals

Healthy and Halal

The animals used are an’aam animals, such as sheep, goats, cows and buffalo. The animals must be healthy, free from blindness and chronic sickness or disease or from any apparent ailment, and must be of a fit age.

When you donate “1 Qurbani,” your donation equals one sheep or goat OR 1/7 of a cow, bull or buffalo. Your donation can provide about 50 pounds (sheep/goat) to 70 pounds (cow/bull/buffalo/ox) of fresh meat, which in turn feeds about 5 to 10 families*. If you would like to purchase an entire cow or bull, you would multiply the price and the number of families served by 7. Here are the types of animals that will be provided during the 2024 season.


Cameroon 1 donation = 1/7 of a cow
Kenya 1 donation – 1 sheep or goat
Mali 1 donation = 1 goat or 1/7 of a cow
Niger 1 donation = 1 buffalo or goat
Burundi 1 donation = 1/7 of a cow
Togo 1 donation = 1/7 of a cow
Tanzania 1 donation = 1/7 of a cow
Malawi 1 donation = 1/7 of a cow
Somalia 1 donation = 1 sheep or goat
Ghana 1 donation = 1/7 of a cow
Sudan 1 donation = 1/7 of a bull
Ethiopia 1 donation = 1 sheep or goat
South Africa 1 donation = 1/7 of a cow
Djibouti 1 donation = 1 sheep
Gambia 1 donation = 1/7 of a cow
Ivory Coast 1 donation = 1/7 of a cow 
Senegal donation = 1/7 of a cow


India 1 donation = 1/7 of a buffalo
Sri Lanka 1 donation = 1/7 of a cow
Bangladesh 1 donation = 1/7 of a cow
Bangladesh (Myanmar Refugees) 1 donation = 1/7 of a cow
Nepal I donation = 1/7 of a bull or cow
Pakistan 1 donation = 1/7 of a bull or cow
Afghanistan 1 donation = 1/7 of a cow
Philippines  1 donation = 1/7 of a cow
Indonesia 1 donation = 1/7 of a cow
Myanmar 1 donation = 1/7 of a cow


Kosovo 1 donation = 1/7 of a cow
Albania 1 donation = 1/7 of a cow
Bosnia 1 donation = 1 sheep
North Macedonia 1 donation = 1/7 of a cow


Yemen 1 donation = 1 goat or 1/7 of an ox
Libya 1 donation = 1 sheep
Syria 1 donation = 1 goat
Iraq 1 donation = 1/7 of a bull
Jordan* 1 donation = 1 sheep
Turkey* 1 donation = 1 sheep
Lebanon 1 donation = 1/7 of a cow
Palestine 1 donation = 1/7 of a bull


This fund provides food aid to those in most need across the *US, including refugees. 

*Poundage and number of families served are calculations based on approximations, and may vary during specific distributions. Please note: Global Qurbani/Udhiyah funds as well as those for certain countries may be used to provide for refugee families.

The Impact

The Islamic Tradition that Feeds Those in Need

The How

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

More Qurbani/Udhiyah FAQs

Please note: Islamic Relief USA consults with a council of imams who follow the Fiqh Council of North America for information about religious donations. It is advised that you consult with your local imam or scholar for more detailed inquiries.

Islamic Relief USA is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization (Tax ID# 95-4453134) | CFC# 10194 | Islamic Relief USA © 2024 | All Rights Reserved